Project purpose and aim
NED aims to address unwanted variation in endoscopy performance by providing access to highly detailed and robust performance analytics and reports. Accurate and unbiased recording of training data is necessary to measuring trainee competence with confidence. Local ad-hoc audits are non-standardised and prone to error, which means that there’s currently no sufficient way to easily identify underperformance. NED tends to this gap by producing accurate, non-bias endoscopy KPI data in real time.
The database can be used to facilitate quality assurance (QA), research and training in endoscopy. An example of a research project using NED data is the NED-APRIQOT (Automated Performance Reports to Improve Quality Outcomes Trial) study which is a three year project that started in March 2018. NED APRIQOT is funded by Health Foundation and conducted by Newcastle University and the JAG. It studied the use of automated performance reports to improve quality outcomes in colonoscopy.
Listen to the JAG podcast with National Endoscopy Database Chair, Dr Tom Lee, recorded in 2023, below. In the podcast, Dr Lee discusses how NED came about, and the future of the programme, as well as some top tips for how NED can be used.